2023-05-18 "Congratulations Professor Wadler"
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    As you know, we have a long academic legacy here at input output and we have many incredible research fellows and senior research fellows, but one of my personal favorites and a good close friend who we've collaborated with for a very long time throughout the legacy and the Co inventor of Plutus, the programming language of Cardano. Philip Wadler, professor Wadler at University of Edinburgh, has been elected as a fellow at the Royal Society and I just wanted to share my screen real quick for the press release.

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    So hot off the presses. Philip Wadler, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Professor Philip Wadler, FRS professor of theoretical computer science at School of Informatics, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He joins existing fellows from the School of Informatics, Jane Hillston, Alan Bundy, Peter Bineman, Wenfei Fan and Gordon Plotkin, as well as notable past fellows including Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Charles Babbage, Dorothy Hodgkin and Stephen Hawking.

  • 2018-12-16 "End of Year Update for Cardano 12/15/2018"
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    The delegation work and the rewriting of the entire code base. The smart contract stuff was done by a scholar team and done by a language designing team. The language designing team was led by Philip Wadler and Wilshire Vardy ?????, and they're based at University of Edinburgh, and they had their own group, their own resources and they were following a two-year track and that Plutus track and Marlowe track have now come to a research end, and we've been moving into actual implementation. So none of the Shelley delays from the Ouroboros side and the delegation side cascaded into the language side...

  • 2018-11-16 "Surprise AMA 11/16/2018"
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    So the entire Pluto team will be there Michael Peyton Jones, Simon Thompson is going to be there. Philip Wadler is going to be there; Duncan Coutts is going to be there. I'll be there.

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    It was more about saying - if I wanted to make this interesting to Duncan Coutts or to Philip Wadler or to Michael Payton Jones, or to John Hughes. What could I do to make it interesting to them? What could I do to come to them and say there are 10 years' worth of problems we've put up in a pile and we'd like for you guys to come and solve those particular problems in a way that they've never been solved before or in the most optimal way that we can prove and Haskell gave us that path.

  • 2018-11-14 "The Babylonian Captivity of Cardano has Ended"
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    Phillip and Rick, I think are going to do a phenomenal job and we also invited them to come out to Plutus fest, so hopefully I'll be able to meet them in person for the first time ever, and hopefully they'll be able to do some episodes there and interview Philip Wadler, Manuel Chakravarty, and the rest of the people on that team, including Duncan Coutts. So that's all I have to say here.

  • 2018-09-10 "Surprise AMA with Bonus Questions"
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    Such research bears little relevance to the cryptocurrency space, software engineering, or protocol development. I'm vastly underqualified for these areas, which is why we have a brilliant chief scientist, Professor Aggelos Gasses, and individuals like Philip Wadler, Duncan Coutts, and others on our team. Their work is essential because they've devoted their lifetimes, decades in the case of Duncan and Wadler, to these objectives.

  • 2018-07-10 "Surprise AMA with Charles Hoskinson"
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    Philip wadler.

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    Vision that we were really able to attract people who didn't care too much about the cryptocurrency space like for example, Philip Wadler and say, hey, you know, who cares about crypto?