2023-06-05 "The Future of Crypto Scams"
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    And I don't know how to stop it. I really don't. I could tell you that the only surefire way of verifying identity now is with a PGP key, because you can't trust what you see, and you can't trust what you hear.

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    So one last time you don't get something for nothing. It's always a scam. It's always been a scam. It always will be a scam. I will never contact you asking you to send me your data, your private keys or invest in one of my products. Just not going to do that. And if I'm contacting you and we don't have a relationship it’s almost certainly the person you're talking to is not me. And the very first question you should ask is verify your identity with your PGP key. And I'll make a video to show you guys how to verify that.

  • 2023-05-27 "Surprise AMA 05/27/2023"
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    By the way, Lace will have a paper wallet generator in. It takes a little longer to get Lace out the gate, but I have not forgotten about it and what I think is going to be the best way for long term storage of your keys, is to take a paper wallet generated encrypted with a PGP key. You have two QR codes. A public and a private. Private is encrypted with the PGP. You print it, put a paper copy in your safe and you store a PDF of it in your e-mail.

  • 2023-04-13 "Surprise AMA 04/13/2023"
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    .It'd have an encrypted payload and, generally, that could be something like keywords or the actual private key, whatever, and you'd encrypt it with a PGP key, similar to a PGP-style email. So, out of the hood, how PGP works is that there would be a symmetric key K that's generated with AES, and then that K key would be encrypted with the public key of that, and that's the PGP...

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    ...that you can do with QR codes, and make them animated. You can actually store this completely naked, so you can actually email the PDF to yourself. The reason being is that the PDF is encrypted, you know, because the payload part - the part that actually has the private key or the keywords - that's encrypted with a PGP key. So, one of the ideas that I had about this was...

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    ...want to use hardware-assisted encryption or PGP-assisted encryption? The downside is that you're completely at the mercy of the strength of the password for the QR code. One of the things we could do is actually color the QR code based upon the strength of the password. So, if you use a PGP key, or some form of public-private crypto, or something like that, it...

  • 2018-11-16 "Surprise AMA 11/16/2018"
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    You'd have a reality where when you go to log in, you just click a button. And so when you go to create an account, you register your PGP key, it sends you a challenge, you sign it, it goes to them. They look it up on the web of trust and they say, oh, that's Charles Hoskinson.

  • 2018-09-10 "Surprise AMA with Bonus Questions"
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    They have advantages that normal people don't have, one of my favorite papers I have uh, I've ever read, was written where people were able to use a microphone listening to changes in the frequency of a CPU to steal a private key for PGP key.

  • 2018-06-08 "Surprise AMA with Charles"
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    If I break that rule, I will call you and send you a picture of myself or sign a message with my PGP key. My PGP fingerprint is on my Twitter feed. At anytime you think you're dealing with me and you want to verify who I am. Ask me to send over a sound clip, a picture or a signed message with my PGP key and I'll be happy to do that. And the personator physically cannot do that.