2019-02-16 "Another Surprise AMA 02/16/2019"
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    ...cryptocurrencies have been in the top 15 since launch, and we did all of this with relatively little funding compared to EOS or any of these other guys. We continue to grow, continue to deliver, and continue to pivot when we decide that a strategy is not working. Instead of doubling down, we released Icarus which became Yoroi, and now 15% of the network is on it.

  • 2019-01-15 "AMA 01/15/2019"
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    We can connect it to Jormungandr, which is the rust client. That's the code name for the rust client. We haven't got a product name for it yet but it's the rust Cardano. We can also connect it to the new Haskell code. So, version 1.6 will be about getting us Icarus-style addresses and getting us the decoupled wallet. Now, the next update will be about taking the rust client...

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    ...with his team, extending our specs so that we have that. Then, we can easily roll those into the Cardano Chain in anticipation of the launch of Goguen on the wallet back-end team. After we have the Icarus-style addresses, the next thing in our pipeline is hardware wallet support and multisig. This will happen alongside all the API enhancements that need to be done for Cardano, for Shelley.

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    What does that exactly look like? So, that's what that team is going to be doing, I'd say, for the first six months of this year. This is the decoupling. Icarus-style addresses, multi-sig terminal support, Ledger -- that's a huge task for the engineers there. They are really motivated and are working really fast. The decoupling allows them to work even faster, and then...

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    ...these people, especially here in Switzerland, are interested. They store a lot of very valuable stuff in this country. Go figure, the mountains are hollow. When can we expect support for Daedalus with Ledger? The problem with support on our end is we have to wait for Icarus style addresses to come, so that's coming with 1.6. They're being implemented in parallel with the decoupling and the...

  • 2018-12-30 "Good News"
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    Now what does this mean for smart contracts and what does this mean for Cardano? It needs all the Haskell code that we've written could conceivably be ported into a browser application similar to what we've done with Icarus, with Rust and JavaScript.

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    We were trying to figure out whether it made sense to keep maintaining the Icarus code base or to retire that and move our contributions to Yoroi but we're so impressed with what Sebastian Pabon and Nico and Emurgo have been doing that IOHK is going to start making code commits to Yoroi. So, we can hopefully double the size of that development team and we can very rapidly get wallet features out, but not just multisig and hardware support...

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    We shouldn't be too far behind on hardware wallet support. There are just some things we have to do to get that to happen and takes a little bit of time for that. And it's a little easier for the guys over at Emurgo to do that because they're on the BIP44 compliant. Icarus style addresses and we are migrating our way to that.

  • 2018-12-20 "Some Thoughts on Shelley and Cardano Features"
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    It won't require restoration. It won't require new data layer. It won't require you to do much. It should be like a normal upgrade, so it won't be as painful as 1.4 is, but that'll get done. And then after that we will have a decoupled wallet backend. We'll have Icarus style addresses. And then we're just going to gradually move our way to the V2 API and gradually move our way to all of the things that are required for Shelley. And then there will likely be one more major update, and then we'll put in all the infrastructure and then Shelley will just slide in.

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    So, terminals coming that's coming now we get asked a lot about Ledger support. Now that we're on the new datal Layer we're going to have Icarus style addresses which are ED25519, BIP44 compliant, and the Ledger does support that. And what we've done is we through Emurgo have begun discussions with a firm called VacuumLab...

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    5 or 6 weeks worth of engineering work is required starting in early January, and that work will, once done, should give us the ability to easily interact with Ledger and if that's the case, then Ledger support should come in short order, so the soonest you could expect it on the Daedalus side would be February, but we potentially might be able to get it out a little earlier on Yoroi side. Yoroi is also working on Trezor support as well, so you'll notice that once Icarus style addresses are supported by Daedalus, there's going to be another transition where we'd like to get people from the old nondeterministic addresses to the new Icarus addresses that because you'll have significantly faster recovery time for wallet restoration for the more the address size is about half the size...

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    So easier addresses to work with, faster recovery time, just overall better experience for people for the more those will be the addresses supported by the Ledger devices, not the old Daedalus style, not deterministic addresses. Furthermore, then the Icarus addresses and the Daedalus addresses will be interoperable with each other, so Yoroi and Daedalus should be able to restore from each other at some point.

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    Will have paths to enable very quick recoveries like Icarus did.

  • 2018-12-16 "End of Year Update for Cardano 12/15/2018"
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    Given that that was the case early this year, I authorized the work of the Icarus program and that i really one of our fastest pieces of engineering. We started in early March gathering business requirements and technical requirements that we built an entire engineering team in less than two months and that team over a period of just three months was able to actually build a wallet from scratch involving both a Rust component and a JavaScript component and have that go through a full security audit. And in short order, Emurgo was able to take that reference code base - Icarus - and turn it into the Yoroi wallet.

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    And then finally, on our end, we had just simply other priorities and really, the thing that was holding us back was ro move to a better, more standard way of handling the cryptographic side, namely deterministic addresses which people see with Icarus style wallets. And also, to have a new wallet backend so with the shipping of 1.4, half of that is done and in the other half the Icarus style address support because we've already done this once before with Icarus...

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    It will be very easy for us to roll that into the wallet back end, so come January, we anticipate Icarus style address coming to the wallet backend and the very next update of Cardano, 1.5 will have support for this.

  • 2018-11-16 "Surprise AMA 11/16/2018"
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    Once that's done, the very next thing we're going to do is migrate from the old address style to the new Icarus address style and once that migration is done, then we should be easy to have Ledger support for our system.

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    The whole point of the Icarus project was to be a reference point for people to fork that code and build their own products, whether that product be the what we've seen with Infinito, where they have now a mobile wallet or that product be what we've seen with Yoroi.

  • 2018-10-17 "Surprise AMA from Charles"
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    We use a different elliptic curve ED25519, we also used, the way the software was written made Ledger interoperability a bit difficult. We got to the point where it's a firmware update and I think the first thing that's going to support Ledger is going to be the Icarus platform. So Yoroi and potentially Infinito and then eventually it'll work its way backward into Daedalus after we've decoupled the wallet, upgraded the wallet a little bit to support Icarus style addresses. So when Ledger very soon and thanks to Yoroi being out and thanks to Ledger having firmware update available.

  • 2018-09-10 "Surprise AMA with Bonus Questions"
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    When mobile wallet? Actually, that's a great question too. So, you know we chose Haskell and Haskell has just been a mixed bag. It's been great and it's been a nightmare at the same time and at some point I threw in the towel, I said OK, let's diversify development a little bit. So, we created a rust project called Prometheus and. And we ended up creating the Cardano Rust wallet, and the code is up on GitHub and the first product of that was Icarus, which gave us a Chrome extension, and now that's being built up by a Emurgo for Yoroi.

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    Certainly, making addresses shorter and as we move from random to sequential index HD wallets with Icarus, and we'll backport that to Daedalus.

  • 2018-08-14 "August 15th Announcement"
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    And that is called Icarus.

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    So what Icarus is is it's a Google Chrome extension.

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    Like Mozilla Firefox and mobile applications, but it's a full wallet running in Google Chrome, so while it doesn't have a copy of the blockchain, you can do everything you can do with Daedaluswith Icarus, so you can import a deadalus wallet into Icarus recover.

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    So similarly, Icarus is kind of like the vanilla light wallet experience that we'd like.

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    Now Emurgo is one of our partners and they've decided to fork Icarus and create a new product called Yoroi, and they're going to be making an announcement August 15th about that, and it should be launching as a test net sometime this month.

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    You'll be able to import your 12 keywords into Icarus or Yoroi.

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    You know Icarus is the reference client and Yoroi is a fork if it and you'll be able to recover your wallet there.

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    So Prometheus and Icarus are kind of the first stepping stones in that direction, and we're going to try to use them as a Guinea pig for open source contributions, and we've already gotten a lot of rust developers who are really excited about making potential contributions to the Prometheus code base.

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    Interface version in September for Prometheus, we're going to start opening it up and Icarus is a reference code base, and we really look forward to browser developers to come in and take a look at what we've done and play around with it and have some fun with it, fork it and potentially pull it out.

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    Jax is also interested in ADA support and the way that we've constructed this library and the way we've constructed Icarus as a reference client.

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    Icarus or Yoroi to be able to interface with ADA.